This Family Constellations Training builds on the Constellations Growth Group, Level One of the constellation training. The primary focus of Level Two is on learning how to facilitate several kinds of constellations, with ample time to practice new skills each weekend. As well, the focuses on personal growth of the facilitator and learning the principles and themes of constellations continues. However, this year the emphasis is on applying the learnings in those two areas in facilitation situations. Note: others may join this training with permission of the instructor. This includes people who have completed another facilitator training, or who have had extensive experience with constellation work.
To provide a space where you can become grounded in the theory and principles of constellation work
To learn to facilitate constellations
Each stage of a constellation
Several types of constellations, such as
Phenomenological constellations
Structural constellations
One on one constellations
Constellations in a group setting
To use this knowledge as a base from which to go deeper into your own growth, using constellations to work through patterns of entanglement in a more sustained and systematic way
To begin to carve out, as appropriate, how a facilitation practice can fit into or transform the work you do in the world.
There will be three types of learning:
· Personal growth of the facilitator. Personal growth of the facilitator will take place through constellations facilitated by each other, by cohort leaders, and by structural constellations around key issues
· Didactic components. Didactic components will comprise both information about the practice of constellation facilitation and themes that show up in constellations themselves. Some of the same themes and information as in Level I will be explored; with participants bearing more, but not all, responsibility for teaching each other.
· Practice facilitating. Substantial time during each module will be focused on group participants practicing facilitating different components of a constellation, such as:
Setting up a constellation
Healing sentences/concluding a constellation
Six two-day weekends from January through June (Note: the May dates fall on Mother’s Day weekend, so the dates that weekend will be Friday afternoon/evening, and Saturday all day. Sunday is left free.
There may be one or more guest presenter for parts of some weekends. More on that TBA.
· Having attended year one of the training, or permission of the training leader
Tuition: $1650 if paid monthly; $1500 if paid in advance
· January 6-7
· February 3-4
· March 16-17
· April 13-14
· May 10-11 (Friday afternoon/evening and Saturday)
· June 1-2
Will be shared upon acceptance into the program
Note: to be given certification as a constellation facilitator at the end, participants are allowed to miss only one weekend. They are responsible for learning as much of the material on that weekend as possible, through conferring with colleagues, etc. If more than one weekend is likely to be missed, participants must make that up by attending another workshop put on by another facilitator with comparable material covered. This can be an online workshop, or one in person. The instructor must OK the workshop chosen.
For more information, contact Katherine at or via our contact page.