“Very eye-opening.”

I found the constellation work facilitated by Sarah Peyton, a guest facilitator, to be very eye-opening into how to better work with the challenging relationship between my daughter and I, as well as understanding just how deeply engrained a dysfunctional pattern of behavior had been in my Mother’s family for generations dating back to the Mayflower.  All helpful in making sense of the pieces of my past to help me to heal and continue to grow as a soul in a human body.  I appreciate the work that the Minnesota Center for Systemic Constellations puts into making this constellation work readily available in MN!

— Jeanne, St. Paul

“It invigorates me.”

When I am in a constellation, things shift in me.  At times, when someone is asking for a representative, I have a certain knowing that they will come to ask me.  When I am being a representative in their constellation, a part of me goes away and I become a kind of conduit that receives energy from somewhere and guides me in what to say or do.  It is nice as a change, to have my conscious mind out of the way.  Kind of freeing.  I at times find myself fatigued by the experience and at times enlivened.  But a few days later, the result is the same.  A sense of calm and connection results. I look forward to doing a constellation every few months.  It invigorates me.

— Brian, Minneapolis

One of the most powerful impacts of constellations was when I was a space holder. The client’s issue was from the masculine perspective, but it hit home for me from the feminine perspective. It broke my heart open to experience the clarity and depth of my own issue, and release some of my stuck emotions.

— Catherine, Vadnais Heights

“It hit home for me.”

As someone who facilitates change in complex systems, Constellations has reminded me of the importance of holding a transgenerational perspective. In my experience, Constellations brings together ancient ways of knowing, inner awareness, and collective insight in the service of a healthier future. At this critical moment in history, we need access all the wisdom we can find. 

Personally, I've found Constellations to be a powerful and liberatory practice. One 40-minute Constellation resolved tensions I had been carrying about my own cultural heritage for over 40 years. Thanks to the Minnesota Center for Systemic Constellations for bringing world-class practitioners to our region, and for growing local practitioners with such deep expertise.

— Wendy M., Minneapolis

“Truly life changing.”

"The week-end I spent in St. Paul learning about Systemic Constellations was truly life changing.  I chose to address some life-long childhood issues related to my relationship with food.  The work I did opened me up to explore some barriers that I had not even considered.  As a result, I have lost over 40 pounds and have completely changed my relationship with food!  I would highly recommend this work to anyone who is struggling with any relationship."

— Maria W., Ohio