Our parents, for better or worse, are the most important people in our lives in terms of how we learn to be in relationship with each other and with the world. And many of the dynamics that seem to govern our relationship with them have hidden, unconscious roots, that when revealed in constellations, can open up immense life energy and freedom. This holds whether you lived with one or both parents, have adoptive parents, were conceived with an anonymous donor, or any other combination of how your upbringing might have looked.
Constellations show us, in often astounding ways, that what we thought were the causes of our entanglements and suffering often have very different explanations than is allowed for in our culture, and sometimes a seemingly magical path toward healing. In longer workshops such as this, we can build a stronger container to allow healing and change to happen for each other. We learn to trust our own phenomenological perceptions, to feel the energetic resonance of truth as it is revealed, to release aspects of our ‘false selves’ and in so doing, come closer to our souls, or essential selves, with the wellspring of life energy and joy that bursts forth as we greet and own them.
We will hold this workshop on the shores of Lake Hiawatha in S. Minneapolis, in a beautiful space with windows on three sides and easy access to the shoreline and park for breaks and lunch. (Lake Hiawatha Recreational Center.) Please come as spring is at its height and join in the the allowing and creating of new life to burst forth from our souls and the world around us.
Lunch on your own.
Cofacilitated by Katherine Curran and Jeffrey Rich
Jeffrey Rich in the Peruvian Andes
You can read more about Jeffrey here.