This event will be cancelled; we will be back later in the spring.
During these evening events, people can come to have a constellation on a question they have, represent in others' constellations and/or hold space as this healing work takes place. Constellations are perfect for working with for entanglements and patterns we keep finding ourselves in that don’t resolve, no matter what we try. We surface and then work to shift hidden systemic and ancestral traumas that are still alive within us, tethering us to old patterns through unconscious loyalties and keeping us from living from our true selves and our hearts’ desires. Topics include: intimate relationship patterns, abortions, miscarriages, adoption, painful parental relationships, abuse, illness, career questions, questions of purpose, and many more. We hope you will come for one and then decide to come every month. We believe the deepest healing takes place in community and would like to see these events become the basis for a community, as past series have. It’s up to you . . .
Currently these sessions will take place online. As the covid situation shifts, we may resume events in person, and/or have some in person and some online. Stay tuned.
During these groups we will:
•Shed light on and resolve the hidden dynamics in conflicted relationships between parents and children, husbands and wives, partners, employers and employees and all other relationships
•Experience feeling released from entanglements in age-old family patterns of painful cycles of failures, depression and other self-destructive behavior.
•Discover that many chronic and acute illnesses can be a metaphor for an unhealed family conflict which can be disentangled and healed
Facilitator: Katherine M. Curran, Ph.D. Bio on “About” page