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Finding your Place in the New Story for Humanity with Susan Altschwager

Watch an interview with Susan HERE


Then ask yourself these questions . . .

•What if the deepest way to know yourself only comes clear in the context of seeing and accepting a new story for humanity that is being born right now?

•What if all you’re longing for can only be fulfilled by stepping into a larger purpose, given to you by a larger force that you can’t fully name?

•What if finally healing past trauma best takes place as you listen to the ancient wisdom that has been waiting to be recognized within you, to pull you forward to help shape this new story for humanity?

Come and spend four evenings* with Susan Altschwager live from Australia as she calls us into the work she was born to do – to usher us into a new, heart-centered phase of human evolution, using constellations as the primary tool for learning and growth.

During this workshop, using constellations, we will:

•Learn how to recognize the evolutionary pulse that’s taking place, including in our bodies, and find our place in relation to it

•Recognize what is being born and grieve what we must let go of – let the old meet the new

•Understand how our acknowledgment, in our bodies, of this new reality will give us strength to act in new ways

•Leave feeling a new sense of soul knowledge and purpose for moving forward

*5:30pm to 9:30pm on Thursday, May 6, Friday, May 7, Thursday, May 13, and Friday, May 14


Australian Susan Altschwager is a powerful catalyst for personal and planetary change. She is a voice for new ways moving forward – a bridge between past traumas and future possibilities for families, social and global systems.

Susan experienced an alignment and an activation of memory of sacred wisdom with a deep knowing of humanity's evolution connected to the ancients of Australian. Her personal journey of acceptance, endurance and transformation supports her courage and commitment to stand up with leading edge information on a bigger picture about the time humanity is living in. She calls it the wisdomkeepers’ song.

With Susan's natural ability at holding the deep ancient wisdom with her open heart, she brings education, constellations and connection together by supporting families, social and global systems moving forward in this changing world.