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An Evening of Constellations

Through out the fall and early winter, we have scheduled six constellation evenings, where you can come and work on you own issues, get support from others in attendance, explore connections between your own issues and larger collective trauma, and hone your abilities to use this amazing capacity to sense the field, sometimes called systemic perception or seeing with your heart. Come to one or more and build an exceptional type of community and belonging with others who are searching for clues, answers, and even questions, in consciousness beyond the ordinary.

Each evening we will begin with an exercise to build belonging in our container, and then hold one or two constellations. You will have a chance to have a constellation, and/or to represent in a constellation, and to hold space for one. Over time, people have learned that they can grow, heal and change as much from representing in another’s constellation as they can from having their own.

We urge you to attend several of the sessions, because this type of commitment greatly hastens your own shifts as well as helps you build a stronger sense of community with like-minded people.

Groups must have a minimum of six participants to take place. In the event of cancellation, your registration will be moved to another date of your choice.


Earlier Event: November 13
An Evening of Constellations
Later Event: December 4
An Evening of Constellations