Back by popular demand, we will be meeting at a new, cool location this year for our day in the 'field of the horse.’ We’ll first get to know how they live in the field (meaning the Knowing Field, not only the hayfield), and then have a chance to experience the deepened resonance of doing constellations with our equine friends. The horses lend their exquisitely tuned ability to perceive energy to the work we do, and this heightened clarity can bring profound results to the humans who come with questions they'd like to explore on that day.
Cathy Buelow, MA, equine assisted coach, is our guide in learning about the world of the horse, and Katherine Curran, Ph.D., facilitates the constellations.
Our objectives for the day include for participants to be able to:
· Relax into a heart based connection with the horse
· Access the wisdom of the field of the horse.
· Experience the balance of giving and receiving with horse and humans as partners.
· Participate in constellations in an expansive nature-based knowing field.
The Horse Ancestors will be there, too!
Cathy Buelow, MA, is a Certified Life Coach, with a specialty in Equine Guided Coaching, in which horses partner with professional life coaches to guide personal and professional growth. Cathy also incorporates the healing practice of Reiki into her work with coaching clients and horses. Cathy sees that we are riding an endless wave of human potential, and bringing into form an expanded sense of possibilities in relationships with each other, horses, and all of creation.
Katherine Curran, Ph.D., is a co-founder of the Minnesota Center for Systemic Constellations, an organization development consultant, executive coach, professor of leadership and constellation facilitator. She incorporates the wisdom of the Knowing Field and constellation practice into all aspects of her work and life to help individuals and groups access ancient wisdom and love as they go about healing themselves and our world.
Mike McElwee, Ph.D., is a co-founder of the Minnesota Center for Systemic Constellations, a strategic planning and organization development consultant. In an earlier career he consulted in Silicon Valley hi-tech companies. He is interested in how constellations consistently produce emergent phenomena in a usefully accessible energy field, revealing deep truths about our families and ancestors.