THIS EVENT IS CANCELLED FOR APRIL. CHECK BACK SOON FOR ADDITIONAL DATES THIS SUMMER! During these monthly events, people can come to have a constellation on a question they have, represent in others' constellations and/or hold space as this healing work takes place. This series of regular events will allow you to work on successive issues over time, developing a deeper sense of connection to your true self, of being supported by your ancestors, of life flowing through us, as well as an enhanced sense of confidence in your own systemic perception. Start now for this introductory price.
During these groups we will:
•Shed light on and resolve the hidden dynamics in conflicted relationships between parents and children, husbands and wives, partners, employers and employees and all other relationships
•Experience feeling released from entanglements in age-old family patterns of painful cycles of failures, depression and other self-destructive behavior.
•Discover that many chronic and acute illnesses can be a metaphor for an unhealed family conflict which can be disentangled and healed