Further, here’s the rub – we are not in charge of righting the final cauldron - of the mind, of inspiration – ourselves. This is righted by the divine. But a precondition for this happening is that we do the soul work, the sorrow and joy work, of the heart. We have agency over the heart cauldron.
So, how do we do this? In our culture(s), we tend to want to look only for joy, although I think often what we substitute for this is excitement. I have found that one way I authentically open to joy is when I let myself experience the sorrow and grief that is already in my body. In releasing it, joy comes. Some of this sorrow is a result of heartbreaks and difficulties that have happened in our lifetime. But, and yes, here’s where constellations come in, much of this happened before our birth – to our ancestors, in their difficulties in many different ways.
Sometimes I think grief work is the deepest work we do, and it also opens us to the greatest joy. And apparently if I/we keep doing this, the cauldron of inspiration and spirit will open itself to us. I think I have already tasted this. I hope you have, too, or that you will through your own healing work, or in community with us here who do constellations. Hope to see you soon.
With (an increasingly) open heart,
Katherine M. Curran, Ph.D.
Co-Founder, MN Center for Systemic Constellations